动态联盟使企业具有快速适应不断变化的市场需求的能力。企业组建动态联盟 ,首先就面临着合作伙伴的选择问题。由于盟员选择过程的复杂性 ,一些非结构化的优化方法得到应用。本文讨论了动态联盟合作伙伴的选择过程和基本方法 ,并研究了应用遗传算法和聚类方法实现盟员选择 ,指出了遗传算法选择盟员的不足之处以及聚类方法的优点。
Agile virtual enterprise (AVE) provides enterprises with abilities of quick market fitting. Member selection is the first issue to construct AVE. Some non structure methods rise due to complexity of member selection process, which are discussed here, followed with some basic member selection methods. GA and cluster method are studied specifically. The flaw of GA and the advantage of cluster method are pointed out.
Systems Engineering Theory·Methodology·Applications
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