目的 研究新兵焦虑、抑郁情绪的发生情况及其影响因素,为心理教育提供依据。方法 应用焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)及自编相关因素调查表,对194名男性新兵进行心理测试。结果 ①194名新兵中无焦虑情绪152人(78.4%),轻度焦虑20人(10.3%),中、重度焦虑22人(11.3%);无抑郁情绪122人(62.9%),轻度抑郁50人(25.8%),中度抑郁16人(8.3%),重度抑郁6人(3.0%)。②SAS、SDS评分与EPQ的精神病质、神经质维度分呈显著正相关,SDS评分与内外向维度分呈显著负相关;SAS、SDS评分还与年龄、受表扬情况、人际适应、兵源、爱情状况、饮食等6项因素显著相关。③经多元逐步回归分析,焦虑情绪的直接因素是EPQ-N、爱情状况、兵源、EPQ-P和受表扬情况,抑郁情绪的直接因素是EPQ-N、EPQ-E、人际适应、EPQ-P和是否独生子女。结论 新兵中焦虑和抑郁者约占13%及38%,个性不稳定及性格内向、人际适应不良等是造成负性情绪的主要因素。
Objective To study the factors influencing anxiety and depression of the recruits. Methods 194 male recruits were tested by self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) ,self- rating depression scale (SDS) ,eysenck personality question-naire(EPQ) and interrelated factors questionnaire. Results ①78.4 percent recruits had no anxiety feeling,10. 3 percent recruits had light anxiety feeling and 11.3 percent recruits had middle and serious anxiety feeling; 62.9 percent recruits had no depression feeling,25. 8 percent recruits had light depression feeling and 11.3 percent recruits had middle and serious depression feeling. ②SAS and SDS scores correlated positively with the EPQ - P and EPQ - N, SDS scores correlated negatively with EPQ - E;SAS and SDS scores also correlated significantly with the factors of age,condition of honor,interpersonal relation, native place, status of love and diet. ③The results of step by step analyzing showed that factors influencing anxiety were EPQ - N, love status , native place, EPQ - P and of condition honor. Factors influencing depression were EPQ - N, EPQ - E, interpersonal relation, EPQ - P and only - son/non - only - son. Conclusion 13 percent recruits had anxiety feeling and 38 percent had depression feeling. Personality and interpersonal relation are the main factors to negative feeling.
Sichuan Mental Health
Recruits Anxiety Depression Influence factor