
体外冲击波治疗跟痛症 被引量:9

Effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on managing heel pain
摘要 目的观察体外冲击波治疗跟痛症的疗效。方法 2 2例患者被随机分为治疗组 12例和对照组 10例 ,治疗组采用体外冲击波治疗 3周 ,治疗前、治疗中每周、治疗后、治疗后 3周 ,采用目测类比定级法 (VAS)评定患者双足负重时疼痛的强度 ,包括 :起床时、持续行走或站立后、足底牵拉及足跟受压时 ;每次评定时 ,记录患者 1周内最长可持续行走或站立的时间。采用MayoClin icalScoringSystem (MCSS)足部功能评定法评定患者的整体功能水平。 结果与对照组相比 ,治疗组足底牵拉检查指数 (P <0 0 5 )及足底受压检查指数 (P <0 0 1)减小、患者最长可持续行走或站立时间延长 (P <0 0 5 )、MCSS足部功能评定分值增加 (P <0 0 5 )。结论体外冲击波治疗跟痛症疗效显著 ,且维持时间长。 ObjectiveTo observe the effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) on managing heel pain. Methods22 patients were divided into 2 groups,12 cases in treatment group who accepted ESWT, 10 cases in control group.The intensity of morning pain on weight bearing, pain triggered by prolonged walking/standing, pain on tension and palpation tests were assessed by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) before and after each treatment session, including the follow-up session,3 weeks after treatment. In addition, Mayo Clinical Scoring System (MCSS) was used to evaluate the treatment outcomes. ResultsAfter 3 weeks of treatment and 3 weeks' follow-up, the intensity of pain on tension test(P<0.05)as well as that on palpation test (P<0.01)decreased, the maximum duration of prolonged walking or standing (P<0.05)and MCSS scores (P<0.05)improved. Conclusions ESWT seems to be a more effective treatment modality for managing heel pain.
机构地区 北京博爱医院
出处 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 2003年第7期442-444,共3页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
关键词 体外冲击波 跟痛症 extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) heel pain
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