本文以广东省为案例 ,运用快速简单的方法来估算非典型肺炎的疾病经济负担。结果显示 :广东省1651例临床病例和可疑病例中 ,直接医疗费用为8861万元 ,间接医疗费用为2942万元 ,合计约1.2亿元 ,政府为“非典”的直接预算投入达5亿元。作者还对疾病负担低估的原因进行了讨论。
The SARS economic burden was estimated by using a quick method in a case of Guangdong province.The data sources were mainly retrieved from China Sina website.The total direct and indirect costs in1651reported probable and suspect cases were120million.In addition,500million government budgets were spent to build up the emergency response system.The author discussed the underlying reasons of probable underestimation on SARS economic burden.