现代物流业将成为我国新世纪经济发展的重要产业和新的经济增长点。目前 ,企业对物流技术的需求 ,对物流人才 ,特别是对物流第一线管理人才的需要越来越迫切。紧贴市场、紧贴经济发展的高职教育要不失时机 ,抓住机遇 ,转变观念 ,制定专业计划 。
Modern interflow of commodities has become an important industry and the key increase in the economic development in the new century in our country. Today, the talents of modern interflow of commodities, especially the management talent, are urgently needed by enterprises. The higher professional colleges should grasp the opportunity to change the old ideas and make up a new teaching plan to cultivate the talents of modern interflow of commodities.
Journal of Tianjin Adult Higher Learning