高职院校的政治理论课教学 ,承担着学生素质教育先导的重任。因此 ,在教学中应以学生为中心 ,引导学生在学习政治理论课的同时走上社会。结合生动的模范事例 ,结合时代要求 ,面向未来 ,并引导他们逐渐树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观 。
In higher vocational colleges, the political theory teaching plays a guide role in improving students' quality. Thus, the essay suggests that the students should be the center in teaching activities and be guided to enter the society to combine the models with the political theory they learnt at a college. Furthermore, it is the duty for teachers to help students to have right philosophy-life and value in order to meet the time's need.
Journal of Tianjin Adult Higher Learning