Objectives: To study abnormal rate of electroencephalography(EEG) in patient with abnormal transcranial doppler ( TCD) . Methods: EEGs were done and analysed in 76 patients with abnormal TCD. Results: Past history was normal and EEGs were mild abnormal in 5 patients (5/32) .EEG was smild abnormal in 3 patients with cervical spondylosis (3/17) .There were no significantl different between helthy-volunteers(15% mild abnormality) and patients with mild abnormal EEG. But EEG of patient with hypertension and diabetes mellitus was mild abnormal in 6 patients (6/27) ,moderate abnormail in 4 patients(4/27) .There were significant different between they and healthy volunteers. Condusion: The abnormal rate of EEG might be'related to the primary disease of patient with abnormal TCD.
Journal of Modern Electrophysiology