目的 了解某院2000~2001年各类真菌的检出率。方法 用酵母样真菌同化试验编码鉴定板TH-15进行编码鉴定。结果 真菌分离率为8.85%;244株真菌分为10种,其中以白色念珠菌和热带念珠菌较高,分别占真菌总数的75.41%和11.47%;检出真菌的主要标本是痰和阴道分泌物。结论 及时进行真菌培养,有利于合理使用抗菌药物和控制真菌感染。
Objective To investigate the isolation rate of all species of fungi in a hospital from 2000 to 2001. Methods Fungi were identified with fungi assimilative experiment coded identify plate TH - 15. Results Two hundred and forty - four fungi were divided into ten species, the isolation rate was 8.85 % , the isolation rate of Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis was 75.41 % and 11.47% respectively. Conclusion Timely identification of fungi is beneficial to the rational use of antimicrobial agents and reduction of fungi infection.
Chinese Journal of Infection Control