目的 了解海军榆林基地战士有关心理保健的知、信、行等现状。方法 采用随机整群抽样的方法 ,使用自编问卷对南海舰队某基地 43 0名战士进行问卷调查。结果 战士关于心理保健的知识、技能和相关行为的得分均在及格水平以下 ,自我效能的得分达 60 75分 ,但是对于心理健康教育的态度得分相对较高为70 75分。除技能和态度无显著性相关外 ,其余各知信行变量间都呈显著性相关。结论 在基层部队中开展心理健康教育是十分必要的。
Objective To investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practice about mental health among navy men of China Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted by random cluster sampling among 430 navy soldiers in a navy base, all males, aged 22 4±2 8 Results The average scores of knowledge about mental health, mental health care skills, and mental health care practice were all below 60, the passing grade The score of self efficacy was 60 75 The score of attitudes towards mental health education was 70 76 Person analysis showed that the knowledge about mental health care and self efficacy were weakly positively correlated with educational level, and the mental health care skills were weakly negatively correlated with age, time of recruitment, and specialty engaged in now Conclusion The present situation of knowledge, practice, skills, and self efficacy about mental health among navy men is not satisfying However, they feel a great need of mental health education
Chinese Journal of Health Education