世界贸易组织 (WTO)对推动全球经济发展起着极其重要的作用 ,根据WTO《服务贸易总协定》的条款 ,加入WTO后 ,我国医疗卫生行业将全面向国际市场开放。该文就目前我国医疗保障体系的现状、加入WT)对我国医疗保障体系的影响进行了分析 。
World Trade Organization(WTO)plays a very important role in pushing forward development of the global economy.According to the clauses of general agreement of service and trade made by WTO, after joining in WTO,health field willbe widely opened to the international market.In this paper,we analyze the situation of meoical insurance system,and impact on medical insurance system after joining in WTO. Some countermeasures are put forward.
Chinese Health Resources