The educational administrative departments in the United Kingdom have not only worked out values related provisions and criteria in educational policies, but also promulgated relevant teaching, spiritual, moral, social, cultural and individual values in school education as well as the basic method for evaluating the effectiveness of values education. With the primary and secondary education as the basis, the author discusses the issue of school education related values, analyzes the existing values crisis in modern multi factor society, and studies the way for teachers to improve the values education.
The educational administrative departments in the United Kingdom have not only worked out values related provisions and criteria in educational policies, but also promulgated relevant teaching, spiritual, moral, social, cultural and individual values in school education as well as the basic method for evaluating the effectiveness of values education. With the primary and secondary education as the basis, the author discusses the issue of school education related values, analyzes the existing values crisis in modern multi factor society, and studies the way for teachers to improve the values education.
Educational Research