近年来,我在浙江跑得比较多,为浙江两个地级市、近10个县市和10多家企业提供过咨询服务,对浙江数十个县进行过调研,仅温州就调研过近百个乡镇。大量的调研使我体会到,浙江经济的活力来自以下两个公式:企业生产方式 = 核心能力 + 外包经济组织形式= 家族模式+“小狗经济”
In recent years I have traveledextensively in Zhejiang province, eastChina, one of the best developed inthe country. I have conductedinvestigations in dozens of countiesin the province, and close to 100townships in Wenzhou alone. Theinvestigations have led me to drawthis conclusion: that Zhejiang’seconomic vitality has relied on twoformulas:Mode of production for theenterprise = core ability +outsourcingForm of economic organization= the family mode + 'small-dogeconomy
Business World