中国的基本国情是人多地少 ,土地是中国农民的主要生产资料和唯一的社会保障。文章在论述家庭土地承包经营对城市化进程的有利与不利两方面影响的基础上 ,提出稳定家庭土地联产承包制 ,调整承包期、界定土地产权关系、建立农民承包土地使用权流转机制。
More population and little land are basic situation of China. Land is main production material and only social guarantee for Chinese farmer. The paper expounds the impact of contracting and managing land with family on urbanization. Then, it points out the design for rural land reform and system innovation, such as,making land contract system with family stable, adjusting contract date, make sure the relation of land property stabilization , setting up transfer system of land use rights for contracting land with farmer, establishing and perfecting rural social assurance system.
China Geology & Mining Economics