目的 探讨盐酸阿扑吗啡对大鼠性功能的影响。方法 将♂大鼠随机分组 ,分别注射不同剂量的盐酸阿扑吗啡(4 32、2 1 6、1 0 8mg·kg- 1 ) ,于d 1和d 8将♂大鼠单独投入观察笼中与♀大鼠进行交配实验 ,观察♂鼠的扑捉、射精潜伏期及 2 0min内扑捉♀鼠次数及射精次数 ,并在给药后d4和d 8取静脉血用放免法测定血中黄体生成素 (LH)、垂体催乳素 (PRL)、睾酮 (T)、及雌二醇 (E2 )。结果 盐酸阿扑吗啡 (4 32mg·kg- 1 和 2 1 6mg·kg- 1 )d 1、d 8♂鼠交配能力明显增强 ,合笼后扑捉雌鼠潜伏期及射精潜伏期明显缩短 ,2 0min内完成的扑捉及射精次数增加 ,对血中LH、PRL、T、E2值没有明显影响。
AIM To study the effects of apomorphine hydrochloride on the sexual function of rate. METHODS Male rats were grouped at random and respectively intraperitoneally injected with different dosages of apomorphine hydrochloride (4 32, 2 16 and 1 08 mg·kg -1 ), These male rats were put into cages respectively with a female rat to conduct the copulation experiment,including the latent periods of their seizure and ejaculation and the times of their seizing of the female rats and ejaculation within twenty minutes on the first and the eighth day during the injection. Radioimmunoassay(RIA) was used to determine the contents of luteinizing hormone(LH) ,prolactin(PRL) ,testosterone(T) and estradiol(E 2) in the venous blood on the fourth and the eighth day during the injection. RESULTS Apomorphine hydrochloride(4 32 and 2 16 mg·kg -1 ) can significantly increas the copulatory capability of male rats on the first and the eighth day during the injection, obviously reduce the latent periods of their seizing of the female rats and ejaculation when male and female rats were caged together, and increase the times of their seizure and ejaculation within twenty minutes after being caged together,but it had no obvious effects on the contents of luteinizing hormone(LH), prolactin (PRL), testosterone(T) and estradiol(E 2) in the venous blood. CONCLUSION Apomorphine hydrochloride can significantly increase the sexual function of male rats.
Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin
apomophine hydrochloride
sexual function