
用有限元法揭示钣材挤压工艺的成形特点 被引量:4

Deformation features of the sheet metal extrusion process revealed with the finite element method
摘要 采用刚塑性有限元法、自编程序对钣材挤压工艺进行了模拟 ,从而获得了钣材挤压成形时的网格畸变图、金属流动图、速度场、等效应力场、等效应变场以及H M无量纲数分布场等结果 ,并进一步揭示了钣材挤压工艺的一些成形特点。此外 ,通过实验获得了钣材挤压成形时的网格畸变照片以及裂纹出现照片 ,其结果与采用有限元法所揭示的结果相一致。 In this paper, rigid-plastic finite element method was adopted and the corresponding finite element program was developed to simulate the sheet metal extrusion process. Through the results of the distorted mesh, the field of material flow, the distributions of velocity, stress, strain and the H-M value from simulation, some deformation features of the sheet metal extrusion process were revealed. Moreover, the experiment of the sheet metal extrusion process was carried out, and the photographs of the distorted mesh and the phenomenon of fracture from experiment were obtained. The experimental results were in accordance with the simulated ones from the finite element method.
出处 《塑性工程学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第4期1-5,共5页 Journal of Plasticity Engineering
关键词 钣料成形 挤压 数值模拟 断裂 刚塑性有限元法 自编程序 sheet metal forming extrusion numerical simulation fracture
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