全球化理论认为 ,随着资本主义市场经济的全球扩张 ,民族国家主权原则面临严峻挑战 ,民族国家及其主权特性行将消亡 ,国际体系正从领土主义的现代体系向非领土主义的后现代体系过渡。继全球化理论之后 ,德国慕尼黑大学教授乔格·弗里德里希提出了“新中世纪主义” ,作为分析“后国际”体系的新范式。新中世纪主义认为全球化国际关系理论断定主权国家行将消亡的结论是十分偏执的 ,在“后国际”体系中 ,民族国家和跨国市场经济是两种永久并存、相互竞争的普世主义 ,它们与社会行为体一起构成并行不悖的三大行动领域。因而 ,缺乏无可争议的至尊权威是“后国际”
Globalization theories suggest that as the capitalist market economy expands to the entire world,the principle of the sovereignty of nation states is facing great challenges-that is,nation states and their sovereignty are coming to an end, and the international system is undergoing a transition from a modern system of territorialism to a post modern system of non territorialism.In 2001,Jrg Friedrichs,professor at Munich University,introduced the notion of'neo medievalism'as a new paradigm to analyze the post international system.This new paradigm opposes the idea in globalization that nation states and their sovereignty are coming to an end;rather,it holds that nation states and the transnational market economy will co exist in competition in the post international system.Together with the objects of social activity, they will dominate three large spheres of activity.Therefore,the post international system is usually characterized by an absence of undisputed supremacy.
World Economics and Politics