20 0 2年 8月 2 6日至 9月 4日在南非约翰内斯堡举行了可持续发展世界峰会。国际制冷学会向该次峰会提交了长达 77页的题为《可持续发展的工业伙伴—制冷业》的报告。国际制冷学会还发表了《制冷业对于可持续发展和减缓大气变化的承诺》。介绍了峰会所取得到成果 ,然后说明了目前制冷业的重要性 ,列出了过去 10年中制冷业在可持续发展的大环境中取得的重大成就 。
The World Summit on Sustainable Development was held in Johannesburg,South Africa,from August 26 to September 4,2002.The lnternational lnstitute of Refrigeration prepared a 77 page report entitled:“lndustry as a Partner for Sustainable Development:Refrigeration' as input to the Summit.The IIR also prepared a statement entitled:“The Refrigeration Sector's Commitment to Sustainable Development and Mitigation of Climate Change'.In the introduction details the main outcomes of the Summit,presents the current importance of the refrigeration sector and lists the most significant achievements in the context of sustainable development over the past 10 years;finally,he analyses the main challenges for the years to come while repositioning the refrigeration sector within the Agenda 21 programme.
Journal of Refrigeration