目的 研究比较中国和韩国产芸香科 (Rutaceae)植物枳实、枳壳、陈皮和青皮的化学成分。方法 利用水蒸气蒸馏法提取挥发油 ,乙醚萃取 ,所得部分通过 GC- MS分析并和标准图谱对照确定成分结构。用峰面积归一化法计算它们的相对含量 ,并采用薄层层析和高效液相色谱方法对它们的甲醇提取物进行定量、定性分析。结果 从中国产 Citrus L .属枳实、枳壳、陈皮和青皮中分别得到 6 ,15 ,10和 5个挥发油成分 ,且都以柠檬烯为主要成分 ;从韩国产枳实、枳壳、陈皮、新鲜陈皮和青皮中分别得到 16 ,19,8,12和 8个挥发油成分 ,其中 Citrus L.属的陈皮、新鲜陈皮和青皮以柠檬烯为主要成分 ,而 Poncirus L.属的枳实、枳壳成分有所不同。薄层层析分析结果表明中国 CitrusRaf.属枳实、枳壳、陈皮和韩国产陈皮 ,青皮都含生物碱脱氧肾上腺素 ,而韩国产 Poncirus Raf.属的枳实、枳壳则没有检出 ,同时黄酮成分上也存在差别。高效液相色谱的研究表明中国和韩国产枳实、枳壳、陈皮和青皮以黄酮类物质为主 ,但是成分不同 ,且多检出微量生物碱。结论 芸香科植物 Citrus L .属和 Poncirus Raf.属的成分组成和含量上有较大差别 ;而且中国和韩国的 Citrus L.
Object To study systematically the constituents in peel of Citrus L and Poncirus Raf both growing in China and in Korea and find out some differences among them by comparison with their results Methods The powdered plant materials were extracted by water steam distillation to give essential oils, which were analyzed on GS MS and elucidated on the standard MS data, their relative contents in percentage were calculated by area normalization And then, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of their methanol extracts were also proceeded by TLC and HPLC methods Conclusion The essential oils from the plants of Citrus L both in China and in Korea have higher contents of dl limonene as a main cons tituent, but the plants of Poncirus Raf also include dl limonene not being as a major one; There exist abundant essential oils and flavonoids in both plants of Citrus L and Poncirus Raf not only in China but also in Korea; Hesperidin and narigin are main components in the plants of Citrus L and narigin and neohesperidin in ripe peels are more than in unripe ones, but poncirin is a major in the plants of Poncirus Raf in Korea
Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs