目的 :探讨不典型脂肪肝的CT表现特征及其诊断价值 ,提出脂肪肝新的影像学分类。方法 :分析24例CT平扫上表现不典型的脂肪肝患者资料 ,其中“肝岛”组12例22个灶 ,局灶性脂肪肝组6例 ,不均匀脂肪肝组6例。结果 :3种类型的不典型脂肪肝均有各自的好发部位 ,且边缘常不清楚 ;在平扫和动态增强CT3期扫描中 ,24例不典型脂肪肝中的脂肪变性区与周围正常肝组织比较均为相对低密度区 ,且两者的平均密度差值在3组病例的CT平扫和3期动态增强中均无显著性差异 (P>0.05)。结论 :依据不典型脂肪肝的CT表现 ,包括好发部位、形态边缘及密度。
Objective:To study the diagnosis and classification of atypical fatty liver on computer tomography(CT).Methods:There were24cases of atypical fatty liver enrolled in this study.Among them,12cases were focal sparing which included22foci in the fatty liver,6focal fatty infiltration and6inhomogeneous fatty livˉer.Results:Each kind of atypical fatty liver had its typical common site,almost all of them were ill-deˉfined.According to the unenhanced CT and triple phases contrast enhanced scanings,the fat-infiltrated regions had lower attenuation than normal liver parenchyma in all24cases,but the mean attenuation discrepancy beˉtween the lesion and normal liver parenchyma had no significant difference in all the three groups of atypical fatty liver(P>0.05).Conclusion:Based on the characterization of atypical fatty liver that included the locaˉtion,sharpness,margin,attenuation of the lesion and appearance of dynamic contrast enhanced examination,most of cases can be diagnosed correctly.
Tianjin Medical Journal