本研究依照有不直播、干田直播、有水移栽和干田移栽的顺 序,考察了17世纪朝鲜的稻作农业。十五世纪朝鲜的水稻品种是25个,十八世纪时则变成了38,每一个品种可以分为粘性和不粘性。农民通过栽培方法可以挑选其中某一品种。到了二十世纪早期,由于高产和抗病害的品种的使用,朝鲜的水稻品种的数量降到了原来的10%以下。本研究的主要内容如下:首先,关于有水直播,在农书中分为早稻和中稻加以叙述,其栽培方法没有区别,只是播种期有出入;其二,干田直播的进步提高了发芽率,并且发芽整齐;第三,有水移栽是在十七世纪四种栽培方法中最为普及的方法,具体的进步可以列出八项;第四,干田移栽克服了春旱的方法,并且是干田直播栽培与育苗移栽的一种折衷办法。综上所述,17世纪的水稻移身栽培法包涵了种子处理、化学肥料技术,只不过20世纪前期水稻品种得到了改良,并开始使用农业化学、虫害防除技术,可以说20世纪前期的水稻栽培技术基本体系在17世纪就已经形成了。
This study investigated rice farming in the seventeenth century following order of fresh-water direct sowing, dried-land direct sowing, fresh-water livestock transplatation, and dried - land livestock transplantation. The number of kinds of rice in the fifteenth century was twenty five, and became thirty eight in the eighteenth century. Each variety was twenty five, and became thirty eight in the eighteenth century. Each variety was divided into glutinous and nonglutinous ones, so farmers could select the one he wanted by methods of cultivation. Even though, the rice varieties of Chosun dynasty in the early twentieth century decreased below 10 percent of total rice farming area due to new breeds which had characteristics of high yield, disease- resistant, and so on. The main contexts of this study were as below. First, fresh - water direct sowing was described as two varieties like - Jodo and Mando in the agricultural book. There was no difference at the method of cultivation but time for sowing. Second, technical progress of dried - land direct sowing was to increase germination rate and to make germination evenly. Third, fresh
- water livestock transplantation was the most progressed method among four methods of cultivation in the seventeenth century. The details of progress could be counted into eighteen categories. Fourth, dried
- land livestock transplantation was the method to overcome spring drought in the cultivation science, which was a compromise direct sowing and transplantation. As above, the rice transplantation farming was the method which contained plant breeding, chemical fertilizer. But for pest-control and agricultural chemical, it was same farming technology as the farming in the twentieth century. Thus basic frame of the method of rice cultivation in the early twentieth century was completed already in the seventeenth century.
Ancient and Modern Agriculture