目的 了解小组心理干预对新兵心理健康状况影响的远期效果。方法 1年后采用症状自评量表 ( SCL-90 )对经过集体及小组心理干预的 64名有心理问题的新兵进行复查。结果 1年后 A组有效率为 77.42 %。B组有效率为 3 9.3 9% ,两组比较有显著性差异 ( P<0 .0 1 )。两组 ( B组除恐怖外 )总分、阳性项目数及各项因子分明显下降 ( P<0 .0 1 )。A组总分、阳性项目数及各项因子分与 B组 (除焦虑外 )相比较下降明显 ( P<0 .0 5或 0 .0 1 )。结论 小组心理干预不仅在短期内有效改善新兵的躯体化、强迫、抑郁、人际关系敏感等常见心理问题 ,并且具有远期疗效。可推广试用。
Objective To study the long term effect of group psycho intervention on the mental health of recruits.Methods Used SCL 90 to retest the 64 recruits with mental problems after one year's group psycho intervention.Results The effective rate of group A is 77.42%,and group B is 39.39%,there was significant difference between two groups(P< 0.01 ).There are distinct drops in the total scores.Except the fear factor of group B.Number fo positive items and each factor scores of both groups(P<0.01).Except anxiety factor.The drop degree of group A is greater than group B(P<0.05~0.01).Conclusion The group therapy intervention might be an effective method to relieve many ordinary psychological problems in recruits,such as somatilizing,conpulsion,depression and sensitive to interpersonal relationship,both in short term and long term training,and worth being popularized.
Health Psychology Journal