利用 C-分带和 APAGE技术 ,对不同核型的具有粘果、易变、偏凸和二角山羊草细胞质的小麦雄性不育系进行了分子细胞遗传学标记检测。 APAGE分析发现 ,新不育系 5 - 1A和 7- 2 1A与 1BL/ 1RS易位型不育系77(2 )、82 2 2、偃师 9号、83(37) 6 5、80 (6 )同样均含有 1RS醇溶蛋白标记位点 Gld1B3。同时根尖染色体 C-分带显示5 - 1A和 7- 2 1A也含有 1RS端带。证明了 Gld1B3位点和 1RS端带可作为 1BL/ 1RS易位型不育系分子细胞遗传学标记。
Seven male sterile wheat varieties with Aeglops kotschyi,Ae.Variabilis,Ae.ventricosa,Ae.bicornis cytoplasm were detected by APAGE and C banding.APAGE analysis indicated that new male sterile wheat 5 1A and 7 21A possessed the same gliadin marker Gld1B3 of 1RS translocation chromosome as other male sterile wheat,such as 77(2),8222,Yanshi 9,83(37)65,80(6).The C banding of 5 1A and 7 21A were detected that they possessed terminal banding of 1RS chromosome.These results suggested that Gld1B3 and terminal C banding of 1RS chromosome could be molecular cytogenetics marker of 1BL/1RS male sterile wheat.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 0 170 5 67)
国家杨凌农业生物技术育种中心项目 ( 1999-B9)