应用多聚酶链式反应对 96例老年 AS患者及 92例非 AS老年人 HUMARA- STR位点进行多态性分析。结果表明 :1在 HUMARA位点重复单位 CAG,对照群体片段大小 2 80~ 4 4 5 bp,重复次数为 N=2 3~ 77,杂合度为 83% ,多态信息量为 0 .76。 2 AS人群中 HU MARA位点片段大小 2 2 0~ 4 4 5 bp,重复次数为 N=2~ 77,杂合度为 89% ,多态信息量为 0 .80。 3将男性的 AS组与对照比较差异显著 ;AS组男性与女性比较差异显著。
The ploymorphism at HUMARA STR locus was studied by PCR in 96 cases of atheroclerosis and 92 cases of normal old people of Shaanxi.The result shows that:① Repeat base of HUMARA loci is CAG.Many Alleles ranging from 280 bp to 445 bp were revealed in normal old people of Shaanxi.The number of repeat base is range from 23 to 77.The heterozygosity of HUMARA was 83%,PIC 0.76; ② Many Alleles ranging from 220 bp to 445 bp were revealed in AS.The number of repeat base is range from 2 to 77.The heterozygosity of HUMARA was 89%.PIC,0.80.③ There are obviously difference in distribution of allele frequency between male AS and male control.There are obviously differences in distribution of allele frequency between male AS and female AS.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 970 0 165 )