秦甘 70是利用具有抗病优质和配合力高的两个自交不亲和系 HS2 10 3- 6 - 9和 FT6 32 8- 1- 5配育成的杂交一代 ,为中早熟甘蓝新品种 ,定植到叶球收获 70 d左右。植株综合经济性状优良 ,中心柱 6 .5 cm,紧实度0 .5 7,帮叶比 2 6 .5 % ;叶质脆甜 ,富含营养物质 ,鲜重含粗蛋白 11.81g/ kg,粗纤维 4 .113g/ kg,可溶糖 32 .5 g/ kg,VB1 2 .118g/ kg;抗 Tu MV,Br和 CMV3种病害 ;产量 6 4 32 0 .0 kg/ hm2 ,比对照中甘八号增产 15 .1%。
Qingan 70 is a F 1 hybrid of the self incompatible (SI) line HS2103 6 9 and the SI line FT6328 1 5.Both lines are with high diseases resistance,good qualities and high combining ability.The hybrid is medium early maturing,from planting to harvesting is about 70 days or so.It has many excellent charaters,such as resistance to TuMV,Br,CMV and quality charaters.Its central axis is 6.5 cm high,compactness is 0.57,petiole leaf ratio is 26.5%,leaf is crisp and sweet,containing 11.81 g/kg crude protein, 4.113 g/kg of crude fibre,32.5 g/kg of soluble sugar and 2.118 g/kg of Vitamine B 1.The average yiely is 64 320.0 kg/hm 2 ,15.1% higher than check variety Zhonggan No.8.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
国家"八五"攻关项目 ( 85 -0 4-0 1-0 5 )
陕西省"九五"重点科技攻关项目 ( 99K0 1-G6