在室内以组织筛选法测定了菊科 15属 2 5种植物的丙酮提取物对番茄灰霉病菌 (Botrytis cirereaPers et Tris)和苹果炭疽病菌 (Glomerella cingulata Schr)的抑菌活性 ,并采用盆栽试验测试了其对小麦白粉病菌(Erysiphe graminis DC)的防治效果。结果表明 ,蓼子朴、天明精、大花金挖耳等 16种植物样品对番茄灰霉病菌的抑菌作用 (抑制浸染率 )达到 6 0 %以上 ;大花金挖耳、旋覆花和猪毛蒿 3种植物样品对苹果炭疽病菌具有 6 0 %以上的抑菌作用 ;对小麦白粉病菌有 5 0 %以上保护作用的有大花金挖耳、蓼子朴、臭蒿、苍耳、旋覆花、大刺儿菜等 6种植物样品 ,有 5 0 %以上治疗作用的有大花金挖耳、蓼子朴、天明精等 9种植物样品。综合分析认为 ,大花金挖耳、天明精、蓼子朴、猪毛蒿和旋覆花等 5种植物值得进一步研究开发。
The fungicidal activity of the 15 genera 25 species compositae plant extracts were tested in vivo with Erysiphe graminis DC, Botrytis cirerea Pers ex Tris and Glomerella cingulata Schr 3 fungus.The results of the tissue selection method of the compositae 15 genera 25 species plants extraction against Botrytis cinerea cucumber Cotyledon and Colletotrichum gloeosphorioides apple showed that there were 60% antifungal rates of 16 samples to the Botrytis cirerea Pers ex Tris,such as C.macrocephalum Franch.et Sav, I.salsoloides (Turcz.) Ostenf and C.abrotanoides L., C.macrocephalum Franch.et Sav, I.japonica Thunb and A.Scoparia Waldst.et kit showed 60% antifungal to the later.Results showed that the extracts of 6 plants had more than 50% protective efficacy to Erysiphe graminis DC,such as C.macrocephalum Franch.et Sav, I.Salsoloides (Turcz.) Ostenf, A.hedinii Ostenf, X.sibiricum Patrin, I.japonica Thunb, Setosum (Wild) Kitam etc,that the extracts of 9 plants had more than 50% treatment efficacy to Erysiphe graminis DC,such as C.macrocephalum Franch.et Sav, I.salsoloides (Turcz.) Ostenf and C.abrotanoides L.,samples with both the protective efficacy and the treatment more than 50% were C.macrocephalum Franch.et Sav, I.Salsoloides (Turcz.) Ostenf, A.hedinii Ostenf, X.sibiricum Patrin, I.japonica Thunb.Especialy,the extracts from C.macrocephalum Franch.et Sar, I.salsoloides (Turcz.) Ostenf, C.abrotanoides L, A.scoparia Waldst.et Kit L.and I.japonica Thunb had a better fungicidal activity to the 3 tested fungus.
Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
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