采用CTA EC5 0有机氟拒水拒油剂对毛织物进行拒水拒油整理 ,探讨了整理剂和配套交联剂浓度、催化剂、焙烘温度和时间对整理效果的影响 ,并在此基础上得到优化工艺参数 ;此外 ,测试了织物整理前后的强力变化及增重率。结果表明
CTA EC50, a water and oil repellent organic fluorine is used in woolen fabric finishing. The influence of the concentration, curing time and temperature of CTA EC50 and its matching cross linking agent on the finishing result is investigated with optimized parameters obtained. The changes of fabric strength and weight before and after the finishing are tested. It shows that CTA EC50 can exert better water and oil repellency on woolen fabric.
Shanghai Textile Science & Technology