目的 研究煤工尘肺 (CWP)病人肺通气功能的损害情况。方法 对 3 3 5例CWP男性患者和 199名对照组男性驾驶员进行肺通气功能测试分析。结果 各期CWP病人肺通气功能异常率均明显高于对照组 (P <0 0 5) ,Ⅰ期CWP病人肺通气功能测定指标除V2 5 外 ,均明显高于Ⅱ、Ⅲ期CWP病人 (P <0 0 5) ,但Ⅱ期与Ⅲ期CWP病人各项肺功能指标 ,差异均无显著性 (P >0 0 5)。CWP病人的肺通气功能损害类型以限制型和混合型为主 ,并呈随尘肺期别晋升由限制型向混合型发展的趋势 ,各期肺功能损害的程度与尘肺的期别不一致。CWP病人吸烟组各项肺功能指标 ,除V2 5 外 ,均明显低于CWP病人非吸烟组 ,其差异均具有显著性 (P <0 0 5)。结论 长期接触高浓度煤尘的CWP病人肺通气功能明显降低 ,特别是吸烟者 。
Objective To study the damaging pulmonary f unctions of the cases of c oal worker pneumoconiosis (CWP) sufferers. Methods The pulmonary functions were tested in 335 male CWP sufferers and in 199 male drivers who served as the control group. Results In different s tages, the pulmonary mal-functional rate of CWP sufferers was obviously higher t han that of the control ( P <0 05). In the first stage, except the case of V 25 , the pulmonary mal-functional rates were clearly higher than thos e in the second and the third stages ( P <0 05), and the damaging types of th e pu lmonary function were mainly restrictive and mixed. The damaging degree and the pneumoconiosis stages were not consistent. The pulmonary functional index in the smoker-CWP sufferers was obviously lower than that of the non-smoker group ex ce pt V 25 , the difference of which was easy to see ( P <0 05).Conc lusion The pulmonary function of CWP sufferers exposed to coal dust for a lo ng time is greatly reduced, especially in the smokers.
China Occupational Medicine
The pulmonary function
Damaging t ype General situation on medical uses of ionizing radiation in Henan Province$$$$ ZHANG Qin-fu, CHU Cai-fang, CHENG Xiao-jun, et al (Henan Institute of Occupational Medicine, Zhengzhou 450052, China) Ab