
初期釉质龋中化学成分的空间分布 被引量:2

Spatial Distribution of the Compositional Elements in Incipient Enamel Caries with EPMA
摘要 目的 检测初期釉质龋中化学成分的空间分布。方法 应用电子探针微区分析(EPMA)技术对初期釉质龋中化学成分的空间分布进行选定微区、线扫描及面扫描分析。结果 除病变区主要的Ca、P、O元素明显丢失外,Cl^-的含量从病变表层至正常釉质区逐步降低,Al^(3+)的含量未见明显改变;Mg^(2+)、Na^+含量也出现降低。结论 Mg、Na等微量元素与龋病相关,其中Mg是初期釉质龋病变中优先丢失的成分之一,可能与龋病的发生、发展和静止密切相关。 Objective To investigate spatial distribution of the compositional elements in incipient enamel caries. Methods The spatial distribution of the compositional elements in incipient enamel caries was obtained by spot selection, line and map analyses with electron probe microanalysis technique(EPMA). Results Cl- decreased from the surface of the caries to the normal enamel. The major elements Ca、P、O were lost in the lesion of the incipient enamel caries. The same Cl- concentration and the lower concentrations of Mg2+ and Na+ were found. Conclusion Several minor elements were associated with enamel caries. Mg2+ was one of the important minor elements which was preferentially lost in the incipient enamel caries and implicated in the formation, progression and arrest of enamel caries.
出处 《口腔医学》 CAS 2003年第4期193-195,共3页 Stomatology
基金 国家自然科学基金(39830430)
关键词 龋病 化学成分 空间分布 Caries Compositional elements Spatial distribution
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