20世纪 80年代中期以后 ,国际关系理论中以新现实主义和新自由主义为代表的理性主义学派的主导地位受到了以批判理论和后现代主义为代表的反思主义学派的猛烈批评。但这些批评大多显得有些矫枉过正。而 80年代晚期兴起的建构主义则力图取两派之长 ,补双方之短。建构主义相信社会现实是被社会性地建构出来的 ,注重人的理念对社会现实的影响或建构 ,但同时强调理念是在人的主体间性的互动过程中形成的 ,接受社会现实的客观性。本文对建构主义的本体论、认识论和方法论进行了较为深入的解析 ,认为建构主义对世界政治中的社会文化结构的重视在一定程度上弥补了理性主义的不足。
In the mid-1980s,the dominant position of rationalism in international relations theories,as represented by neo-realism and neo-liberalism was fiercely criticized by reflectivism which was represented by critical theory and post-modernism.However,these critiques exceeded their proper limits.In the late 1980s,constructivism attempted to learn from the advantages of the two schools to compensate for its disadvantages.It believes that social reality is socially constructed,and it attaches importance to the constructive effects of ideas on the social reality.Meanwhile,it also emphasizes that ideas are shaped by subjective interactions and it accepts that social reality should be objective.In this article,by deeply dissecting the ontology,epistemology,and methodology of constructivism,the author believes that the constructivist emphasis on the social cultural structure in world politics,to some extent,offsets the weakness of rationalism.
World Economics and Politics