

Social Value,Market Efficiency,and Income Distribution
摘要 本文介绍我们所研究的总量消费者剩余方法。我们将老子的“为而不争”对应为市场经济的优化原理,定义为老子第二原则。老子第二原则在个人水平上的实现使市场有效率并达到个人水平上的帕累托最优。而老子第一原则“天之道利而无害”对应于帕累托改进,代表着社会进步的方向。由于自由市场不能自动实现最优收入分配。遵循“老子第一原则”的最大可能的社会进步的实现超越于自由市场力量之外。 This paper reviews the normative representative consumer approach, social choice approach and aggregate consumer surplus approach in welfare economics. It suggests that the Second Lao Zi principle, 'do the duty but not strive' is corresponding to optimal principle in market economy. The Second Lao Zi principle at individual level implies market efficiency. The First Lao Zi Principle, 'benefits but not hurt' represents the direction of social progress, which will be best performed beyond the free market force and is measured by aggregate consumer surplus.
作者 鞠建东
出处 《经济学(季刊)》 2003年第3期509-530,共22页 China Economic Quarterly
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