目的 对入境的外国人进行艾滋病血清学检测 ,防止艾滋病由国外传入。方法 对被监测对象静脉采血 ,用BLISA进行初筛试验和蛋白印迹法 (WB)进行确认试验。结果 2 0 0 2年从来湘工作的外国人中发现 3例HIV— 1抗体阳性者。结论 加强对在湘外国人的疾病监测 ,建立外籍人员健康档案 ,定期体检 ,做好艾滋病综合防治工作。
Objective To strengthen the secoepidemiological surveillance of HIV infections in foreigners to prevent the transmission of AIDS into Hunan Province from abroad.Method Veinous blood were taken from target for passive surveillance and RLISA method was performed for initial screen and then ascertained by Western Blolling technique.Results Three antibody positives against HIV-1 were detected from foreigners working in Hunan Province in 2002.Conclusion Surveillance of HIV/AIDS be strengthened and health record for foreigners be set up,regular health check-up be conducted and comprebensive control measures to be adopted in this province.
Port Health Control