This paper studied the effect of applying organic materials on soil fertility in high-yield rice region. Re-sults obtained as follows;The application of organic materials not only increased the organic matter, availablephosphorus and available potassium of soil,but also apparently raised the aggregation level, aggregation de-gree,steady structure, aeration porosity, specific water capacity of soil physical properties; Simultaneously, itincreased the performance of self-regulation and stress resistance of soil. Chemical ferilizer treatment increased the available phosphorus,but reduced the organic matter and avail-able potassium manure. The treatment of applying chemical fertilizer a little raised aggregation level and ag-gregation degree, but the soil's pore space level was similar with that befor test. Therefore,the perfomanceof self-regulation and stress resistance of soil in the treatment are lower than that of rice and barley organicmanure treatments. So that,the yield of rice and barley of organic manure treatments increased 10. 60% and14. 23% respectively in rainy years, but there was no distinct difference in normal years. It is probably relat-ed to the high level of fertilizger application.
Bulletin of Science and Technology
paddy soil
organic materials
soil fertility
soil structure
soil porosity