张伯苓是南开大学的创办人 ,因亲历西方列强侵占中国领土和清朝政府的腐败无能 ,决心教育救国。先后创办私立南开中学、南开大学、南开女子中学和南开小学、重庆南渝中学。张伯苓始终坚持爱国主义办学思想和实践 ,强调德、智、体、美四育并进 ,手订“允公允能 ,日新月异”校训 ,教育学生“尽心为公 ,努力增能” ,培养爱国为公、服务社会的人才。反对照搬欧美教育制度 ,主张结合实际 ,以“解决中国问题为教育目标” 。
Zhang Boling, modern Chiness educationist, and his educational thoaghts are introdnced in the follouing three parts. Firstly, it is a discussion of his uncommon educational practice; secondly, his contrikutions to the theory of public morals education in China's modern private schools are summaried; thirdly, the Valuable points in educational administration of school in China are analysed.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture