
人字形面齿轮几何设计与基本特征分析 被引量:2

Geometric design and characteristic analysis of herringbone face gears
摘要 该文提出了一种新型面齿轮副,即人字形面齿轮副。基于全齿面精确建模的面齿轮副设计方法,建立了人字形面齿轮副的几何设计方法。建立了虚拟产形齿轮的数学模型,推导了人字形面齿轮的数学模型,得到了人字形面齿轮副的精确三维实体模型。基于有限元加载接触分析方法,分析了人字形面齿轮副的基本特征:轮齿接触、圆柱齿轮轴向力、重合度、传动误差、内外侧轮齿齿宽的影响、内外侧轮齿相位的影响。数值研究表明人字形面齿轮副具有如下优点:圆柱齿轮无轴向力,简化了轴承支撑;可以采用大传动比、大螺旋角,承载能力强,振动噪声水平低,适用于高速重载场合;旋转方向敏感度低,适宜用于需要双向转动的场合。该文最后总结了人字形面齿轮副的设计准则。 A herringbone face-gear drive was developed in this project.The design of the herringbone face-gear geometry used the entire tooth surface precise modeling method.A geometry shaper was modeled mathematically with a precise,three-dimensional mathematical model then developed for the herringbone face-gear pairs.The loaded tooth contact analysis(LTCA)method was used to analyze the characteristics of the herringbone face-gear drives,including the tooth contact area,the axial force on the pinion gear,the contact ratio,the transmission error,the effect of the inner and outer face widths,and the effect of the inner and outer tooth phases.A numerical study shows that the advantages of herringbone face-gear drives include no axial force on the pinion,simplified bearing support,larger transmission ratios,larger helix angles,higher bearing capacities,less vibration and noise,high-speedapplications,high-load applications,lower sensitivity to the sense of rotation,and being applicable to both clockwise and counterclockwise rotations.Finally,this paper summarizes the design rules for herringbone face-gear drives.
作者 冯光烁 顾永鹏 兰旭东 周明 FENG Guangshuo;GU Yongpeng;LAN Xudong;ZHOU Ming(School of Aerospace Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期670-682,共13页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 中国博士后科学基金(2017M620793)
关键词 人字形面齿轮副 几何设计 轮齿接触 圆柱齿轮轴向力 重合度 传动误差 herringbone face-gear drives geometric design gear tooth contact axial force on the pinion gear contact ratio transmission error
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