It is possible for private cars to operate on the basis of the"benefit" of all their private cars, and in accordance with Mexerting the utilityof thingsM in the Law of Real Right. The Operation service of the network carhas a strong social relevance, certain regulation and rules become necessary.The local license and household registration is a derogation from the power ofMincome" in the ownership of personal property, which needs to be examinedfor its legality and legitimacy. The restrictions on local licenses and householdregistration of online car-hailing service are in violation of the licensing itemsand authority in the Licensing Law, and it also challenges the “equalemployment and choice of occupations” clause in the Labor and EmploymentPromotion Act, it is an offense against the principle of legal priority.Governance of urban disease is not a legitimate basis for restricting the licenseand household registration of online car-hailing service, and it violates theprinciple of legal reservation.In the various variables related to security, Local licenses and householdregistration are not an important element, therefore, the use of local licenses andhousehold registration to restrict the driver of online car-hailing service isconsidered a safety-related factor. In terms of review of the proportionalityprinciple, Local licensing and household registration restrictions cannot meet thepurpose of u standardizing the behavior of online car-hailing service " andensuring the safety of operation and passenger rights and interests, cannotachieve the purpose of H standardizing the operation and operation of the taxiserviceand w safeguarding the operation and the legitimate rights and interestsof passengers”. And there are less restrictive means among a variety ofregulatory means. So, there is something wrong of local license and householdregistration restrictions.
Tsinghua Intellectual Property Review
Online Car-hailing Service
Household Registration Restrictions
Unrelated Factors
Legal Reservations
Principle of Proportionality