
神经网络在污水处理自动控制中所起的作用 被引量:4

Roles of Neural Network in Wastewater Treatment Automation
摘要 神经网络 (NeuralNetworks ,NN)技术的迅速发展及其理论的不断完善为其在各个领域的应用奠定了基础。污水处理系统是复杂的非线性系统 ,用神经网络技术控制污水处理过程是可行的和必要的 ,在我国更具有现实意义。分析了神经网络在污水处理自动控制中所起的不同作用 。 The rapid technical development and persistent theoretical perfection of neural networks (NN) have made a reliable foundation of its application for various fields including wastewater treatment, and complicated non line system. It is feasible and necessary to control wastewater treatment process using NN technology. In this paper, the different roles of NN in automation of wastewater treatment plant were discussed, and the further study problems were pointed out.
出处 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期85-88,共4页 Water & Wastewater Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(50 1 380 1 0) 上海市重点学科资助项目
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