用脉冲进料固定床微分反应器对两种代表性石油焦的燃烧情况进行了研究 .由于石油焦成分比较复杂 ,其燃烧过程不十分稳定 ,呈现多阶段燃烧现象 .通过实验得出了各阶段燃烧反应动力学方程、烟气中CO/CO2 摩尔比变化方程和不同温度下的有效燃尽率 .
The combustion behavior of petroleum coke was investigated by using a pulse-differential fixed bed reactor in order to understand the combustion kinetics of petroleum coke. Two representative petroleum cokes are examined with particle sizes of 150-280 μm and 60-70 μm between 800°C and 950°C burning in pure oxygen and air. The results show that the combustion is very unstable and can be divided into three stages (I stage, II stage and difficult-combustion stage) because of the complexity of petroleum cokes compositions. For particular features, petroleum coke is very difficult to burn off. Through tests, the effective exhausting rates of the two types of coke at different temperatures are obtained. In this paper, the reaction order (n) is assumed to be 1, and the combustion kinetics parameters, the molar ratio of CO/CO2 in the flue gas of different stages are obtained.
CIESC Journal