本文以建构主义理论的“情境”、“协作”、“会话”和“意义建构”四大要素为背景 ,从以教师为主导进行“情境”创设 ,以学生为中心进行“协作”学习 ,以课堂为阵地进行“会话”商讨 ,以创新为目标进行“意义建构”四个方面探索了由传统的以教师为中心的逻辑讲解传授式的教学过程转变为通过情境创设、协作学习、问题探索、意义建构等以学生为主体的教学过程。
This article is set in the four factors under stu dy ing circumstances:Situation;Co-operation;Conversation and Construction of the me aning.It illustrates from the four aspects:making up Situations where teachers a re dominant;Studying Co-operatively where Students are the centre;Discussing in classes;Constructing meanings with the aim of inventing new things and it explor es that the teaching process in which teachers thologically explain and teach a re traditionally the centre is changed into that in which students are the centr e by making up Situations;Studying Co-operatively;Probing problems,Constructing meaning.
Journal of Chaohu University