目的 探讨大血管磁共振新鲜血液成像 (FBI)的可能性 ,初步评价磁共振新鲜血液成像的优势与局限性。方法 采用磁共振新鲜血液成像序列 ,即在三维快速自旋回波序列的基础上 ,合并使用半傅立叶转换、短回波链间隔及心电门控和反转回波技术 ,对健康志愿者以及患者行大血管成像。结果 10名健康志愿者 ,心率在 70次 /min以下的 8名获得成功 ,心率在 80次 /min以上的 2名成像不理想。 40名患者 ,心率在 80次 /min以上的 8名不成功 ,心率在 70~ 80次 /min的 4名成像效果较差或不稳定 ,而心率在 70次 /min以下的 2 8名成功获得图像。 2 8名成功者中 ,主动脉、下腔静脉、肺动脉图像较好 ,肾动脉、肠系膜动脉图像不理想。结论 磁共振新鲜血液成像是可以在大血管疾病临床诊断中应用的磁共振血管成像技术 ,但要求心率在 70次 /分以内 ,对大血管较为适用 ,小血管的磁共振新鲜血液成像尚有待于探讨。
Purpose To discuss the possibility of MR fresh blood imaging (FBI) on great vessels and assess its advantages and limitation. Methods We performed great vessel imaging on healthy volunteers and patients using MR fresh blood imaging (FBI) sequence, which was the combined use of half-Fourier transformation, short echo spacing, ECG-gated and invert echo technique on the basis of 3D-FASE sequence. Results Eight volunteers whose heart rate was less than 80bpm succeeded in imaging, while the images of the other two with a heart rate more than 80bpm were not ideal. Among the 40 patients, 8 with a heart rate more than 80bpm failed, and 4 whose heart rate was more than 70bpm attained poor or unstable images, while the rest 28 patients with a heart rate less than 70bpm succeeded in imaging. In the 28 successful images, the aorta, the inferior vena cava and the pulmonary artery were displayed well, while the renal artery and the mesenteric artery were not so good. Conclusion MR fresh blood imaging (FBI) can be applied in clinical diagnosis of great vessel diseases, but it requests a heart rate less than 70bpm. It is suitable for great vessels, while FBI in small vessels should be further discussed.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
Angiography, magnetic resonance imaging
Fresh blood imaging
Great vessel