目的 :探讨胃黏膜中 SMAD3蛋白在胃溃疡发生及愈合中的作用机制。方法 :采用免疫组织化学 ABC法 ,对 2 0例愈合前后胃溃疡患者胃黏膜组织中 SMAD3蛋白的表达水平及其分布进行检测。结果 :治疗前 2 0例活动性胃溃疡患者胃黏膜组织中SMAD3蛋白的表达水平为 0 .91 2 5± 0 .0 1 5 8(以平均吸光度 A值表示 ) ,与治疗后 (0 .35 2 2± 0 .0 31 7)相比明显增高 (P <0 .0 1 )。镜下 ,SMAD3蛋白主要表达于胃黏膜上皮细胞和胃底 (体 )腺上皮细胞胞质内 ,少数固有层中浸润的炎症细胞亦见阳性表达。结论 :SMAD3蛋白的高表达可能与胃溃疡的发生有关 。
Objective:To detect the expression of SMAD3 protein in gastric mucosa in patients with gastric ulcer before and after treatment, and explore the role of it in the mechanism of peptic ulcergenesis.Methods:Expression of SMAD3 protein was examin ed by ABC immunohistochemistry stain in gastric mucosa in 20 patients with gastric ulcer before and after treatment. Result:The expression of SMAD3 protein in gastric mucosa before treatment were significantly higher than those after treatment (P<0 01).Conclusion:The up regulation expression of SMAD3 protein may play an important role in peptic ulcergenesis, and inhibit its healing.
Journal of Guangxi Medical University
广西自然科学基金资助 (桂科自 98110 0 7)