目的 :了解广东汉族人雌激素受体基因的分布特点。方法 :应用聚合酶链反应技术对 115例正常人雌激素受体基因进行扩增 ,以PvuⅡ和XbaⅠ进行限制性内切酶酶切图谱分析 ,并结合文献进行了不同种族间的分析比较。结果 :雌激素受体基因表型频率 :ERPP 0 14 78,ERPp 0 4 0 0 0 ,ERpp 0 4 5 2 2 ,ERXX 0 0 4 35 ,ERXx 0 4 174 ,ERxx 0 5 391;雌激素受体基因频率 :ERP 0 6 5 78,ERp 0 3478,ERX 0 2 5 2 2 ,ERx 0 74 78。结论 :ER基因。
Objective:To identify the distribution feature of ER gene in the Han nationality of guangdong province.Methods: ER genes from normal individuals were amplified with PCR and their restricted enzyme digested maps analysis were done with Pvu Ⅱ and Xba Ⅱ. Results: The gene frequency of ER was as followed, Genotypefrequency: ER PP 0.1478, ER Pp 0.4000,ER pp 0.4522, ER XX 0.0435, ER Xx 0.4174, ER xx 0.5391; Genefrequency: ER P 0.6578, ER p 0.3478, ERX 0.2522, ERx 0.7478. Conclusion: ER genes distribution in the hans in guangdong province is different from those in other areas.
Guangzhou Medical Journal