二战后 ,日本在美国的支持下 ,建立了自卫队。由于国内外形势的变化 ,防卫政策由专守防卫调整为海上歼敌 ,又进一步调整了与美国的军事同盟关系 ,把自卫队派向海外 ,实现其由防守型向海外型的转变 ,使日本发展成为军事大国。
After the Second World War,Japan set up its self defence troops with the support of the USA.Due to the changing international and domestic situations,its defence policies had been converted from purely defensive to agressive.The relationship between Japan and the USA had also been adjusted.Dispatching troops overseas and the changing of the purely defensive strategy make Japan amilitary power.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College