研究性学习作为一种新型的体现素质教育思想和要求的学习方式、课程形态 ,应贯穿于整个学校教育教学活动中。高等师范院校历史教学中 ,应以开放性问题或课题为主线 ,以研究、探讨问题或课题的方式 ,引导学生进行研究性学习。应以学生在研究性学习活动中的状态和成果为依据 ,对学生的研究性学习活动做出价值判断和信息反馈 ,以促进学生研究性学习的健康发展和研究性学习目的的全面实现。
As a newly born form of learning and a novel pattern of courses,Inquiry Learning reflects the ideas of quality education.Therefore,it should be permeated through all teaching activities. With the experience and practice of teaching for many years,the author of this paper makes an approach to the tacties of Inquiry Learning teaching through the teaching of history in normal universities and colleges.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College