本文简要评述卢卡奇《历史和阶级意识》中的一个未受人们注意的论题——“批判的科学哲学”理论,着重讨论他对形式(工具)理性,实证主义和科学技术本身的批判以及由此形成的相关论点。作者指出,因为卢卡奇站在与科学主义相对立的人本主义立场上, 所以他能看到西方科学主义的某些局限性,提出一些对科学哲学很有启发意义的观点。
This paper concorns a new topic in Lukacs's History and Class Consciousness:Theory of Critical Philosophy of Science,Main contents are:(1)Lukacs's criticism of scientific rationality and his concept of dialectic rationality;(2)criticism of positivist methodology and his method of totality;(3)criticism of science an.d his sociology of science.The author points out the fundamental feature of Lukacs's critical philosophy of science is on the basis of dialectic philosophy and humanism.There are some reasonable elemenis in his critical philosophy of science.
Science Technology and Dialectics