从土壤中分离的Bc1 2 - 1 4菌株是一株对Bt具有明显增效作用的蜡质芽孢杆菌。对Bc1 2 1 4菌株发酵上清液进行增效性测定结果表明 ,该菌株对部分Bt菌株具有明显的增效作用。Bc1 2 1 4菌株上清液对BtHD 1 580菌株增效 ,可提高 82 % ;而Bc1 2 1 4 +Bt940 0 1组合 ,与Bt940 0 1纯培养相比 ,在培养基A上的发酵效价和晶体蛋白含量分别为 5 0 0 0IU·μl- 1 、5 4mg·ml- 1 ,提高 1 8%和 2 2 %。
Bc12 14,a strain of B cereus isolated from soil,show special active synergism to Bt In the bioassay of active synergism of liquid part(centrifuge from Bc12 14 fermentation broth)to Bt,the liquid part show high active synergism:Comparing with pure fermentation of BtHD 1 580,the value of potency increases by 82% after mixed liquid part of Bc12 14 to the fermentation broth of BtHD 1 580;In the mixed fermentation in culture medium A,The potency and crystal protein content of combination of Bc12-14+94001 were 5 000 IU·μl -1 and 5 4mg·ml -1 Comparing with pure fermentation of Bt94001,the value of potency and crystal protein content increase respectively by 18% and 22%
Hubei Agricultural Sciences