研究了狗爪豆的生态适应性和生物产量 ,分析了该植物种子内生物碱、左旋多巴含量和营养成分 ,以及脱毒处理对样品营养成分与左旋多巴含量的影响。结果表明 ,该植物具有生态适应性强、种子产量高的优势 ,在喀斯特山地生态恢复、水土保持方面具有重要意义。种子内未检出生物碱类物质 ,而左旋多巴含量 (质量分数 )高达 5 0 % ,具有药用开发价值。种子中氨基酸种类齐全、含量均衡 ,但作为饲料利用必须经过脱毒处理 ,脱毒处理后左旋多巴含量减少 60 %以上 。
Study had been made to the distribution of the Stizolobium cochinchinesis and legume output of the plant in the Southwest of China The medicinal constituent ,the method of disposing toxin ,the nutrition constituent and eighteen hydrolytic amino acids had been analyzed too Results indicated that the legume output of the plant was 20?~25 kg The content of the L-Dopa,it was the main active constituents, was 4 49%~5 13% A few of the L-Dopa would have effected to the process of the metabolism and growth of the hog Having been detoxinized with soak in thin acetic or water, the detoxinized effect would be 60 percent, it would be a quality energy and protein fodder It will play an important role in rebuilding ecosystem in the Southwest of China
Hubei Agricultural Sciences
贵州省自然科学基金课题(黔基合计字 ( 1998) 30 90号 )