

Intercultural Virtual Learning Team:A Research on Involvement and Learning Effect of Xinjiang Minority Students of Journalism and Communication Major
摘要 本文以新疆大学、武汉大学新闻与传播学院的少数民族、汉族本科生为样本,建立14组1对1的微博跨文化虚拟学习团队,通过问卷调查、深度访谈等研究方法得出结论:跨文化虚拟学习团队间的信任程度高低与学习效果强弱呈现一定的正相关性,对新疆少数民族学生而言,学习信任关系还受到教育情境差异、情感类信任和社交产品私密性认知等因素的影响;新闻传播学专业少数民族学生在虚拟学习团队中的积极性和参与度整体偏低,专业素养意识、社交产品的自媒体使用能力、家庭宗教影响、汉语水平等均为制约因素。 In this article,undergraduates in different ethnic groups majoring in journalism and communication from Xinjiang University and Wuhan University are studied as research samples,and 14 groups of one-to-one VLT based on Weibo are established.Data was collected through questionnaire and indepth interview.The research concludes that:(1)there are certain positive correlation between the trust of VLTs and the learning effect.For minority students,the trusting relationship is also affected by other factors,such as education background,emotion and privacy;(2)the enthusiasm and involvement of minority students turn to be relatively low as a whole,due to factors,such as professional literacy,the ability of using social network products,family religious influence,and their Chinese proficiency.
作者 肖珺 王婉
出处 《全球传媒学刊》 2016年第1期123-140,共18页 Global Journal of Media Studies
关键词 跨文化传播 虚拟学习团队 少数民族学生 新疆 微博 intercultural communication virtual learning team minority students Xinjiang Weibo
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