
齐齐哈尔市精神卫生防治体系现状调查与对策研究 被引量:1

Investigation on current situation and countermeasures of mental health prevention system in Qiqihar
摘要 目的调查了解齐齐哈尔市精神卫生防治体系现状,分析存在的问题并进行对策探讨。方法采用文献法、访谈法和问卷调查法。结果齐齐哈尔市主要有5所精神病院(科),编制床位1 310张,编制人员688人,其中卫生技术人员553人,其他技术人员20人,管理人员29人,工勤人员86人,专业人员学历、职称偏低;精神病院多以封闭式管理为主,基本处在初步发展阶段。结论齐齐哈尔市精神卫生防治体系初具规模,但人力资源不足,基础技术设备难以满足工作需要,防治力度还有所欠缺。 Objective To investigate and study current situation of mental health prevention system in Qiqihar,and analyze the existing problems and study the countermeasures. Methods Literature review,expert interview and questionnaire were used. Results There were mainly 5 psychiatric hospitals(department) in Qiqihar,1,310 preparation beds and 688 preparation staffing,including 553 health technical personnel,20 other technical personnel,29 managers and 86 workers. Professionals have low academic education and titles. Most mental hospitals are in the way of closed management and at the preliminary stage of development. Conclusions Mental health prevention system in Qiqihar takes shape,but lacks human resources,basic technical equipment is hard to meet the work needs and still lack control efforts.
出处 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 2015年第32期4924-4925,共2页 Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
基金 齐齐哈尔市科学技术计划软科学项目(RKX-201201)
关键词 精神卫生 防治体系 对策 Mental health Prevention system Countermeasures
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