

Clinical basic characteristics and blood glucose control of 335 cases of Type 1 diabetes mellitus with household registration in Zhongshan city
摘要 目的了解广东省中山市1型糖尿病(T1DM)患者的临床特征及血糖控制现状,为优化T1DM患者管理提供依据。方法于2014年6月—2018年6月对中山市户籍的T1DM患者进行问卷调查、体格检查和实验室检测,以糖化血红蛋白(Hb Alc)评价血糖控制水平,分析患者临床特征及血糖控制现状。结果共调查335例T1DM患者,其中男131例,女204例。患者中位年龄为36.0 (24.0,51.0)岁;发病年龄为28.5 (18.0,41.0)岁;病程为6.0(3.0,12.0)年;体质指数(BMI)为(21.1±3.3) kg/m^2; HbAlc为8.4(7. 0,10. 3)%,86例(25. 7%)患者达到相应年龄患者的血糖控制目标。结论目前中山市大多数T1DM患者血糖控制未达标,迫切需要优化T1DM管理模式改善这一现状。 Objective To understand the clinical characteristics and blood sugar control status of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus(T1DM)in Zhongshan city,Guangdong province,and to provide basis for optimizing the management of patients with T1DM.Methods From June 2014 to June 2018,questionnaires,physical examinations and laboratory tests were conducted on T1DM patients registered in Zhongshan city.The blood sugar control level was evaluated by HbAlc,and the clinical characteristics and the status of blood sugar control were analyzed.Results A total of 335 patients with T1DM were investigated,including 131 males and 204 females.The median age of the patients was 36.0 years(24.0-51.0 years),the median onset age was 28.5 years(18.0,41.0 years),the median course of the disease was 6.0 years(3.0,12.0 years);the body mass index(BMI)was 21.1±3.3 kg/m2,the HbAlc was 8.4%(7.0,10.3%).86 patients(25.7%)reached the target of blood sugar control at their age.Conclusions At present,most of the patients with T1DM in Zhongshan city have not reached the standard of blood sugar control,so it is urgent to optimize the management mode of T1DM to improve this situation.
作者 冯毅 叶凯云 吴伟英 梁干雄 尚治新 FENG Yi(Department of Endocrinology,Zhongshan People's Hospital,Zhongshan,Guangdong,528403,China)
出处 《齐齐哈尔医学院学报》 2019年第4期405-408,共4页 Journal of Qiqihar Medical University
关键词 1型糖尿病 中山市 血糖 Type 1 diabetes mellitus Zhongshan city Blood glucose
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