

The Reality and Illusion in Heart of Darkness
摘要 康拉德的小说以复杂的叙事结构、深刻的主题而闻名。阅读康拉德的小说时,读者时常有一种不真实感。这种不真实感一方面增加了小说的阅读难度,挑战读者思维;另一方面奠定了小说昏暗、压抑的基调。其中一个重要原因是康拉德独特的写作风格,即给现实事物蒙上一层面纱使其变得模糊。这种描写给读者以强烈的视觉和感官冲击。文章以《黑暗的心》为例,从复杂的叙事和场景的模糊两方面来揭示《黑暗的心》中的真实与虚幻,进而阐释出这种真实与虚幻的起因及作用。 Joseph Conrad's novels are known for their complex narrative structure and profound themes. The feeling of unreality comes to the readers' mind when they read Conrad's novels. On the one hand,it becomes hard for readers to understand his novels,which challenge the readers' ability of thinking. On the other hand,it establishes a dim and depressing tone for the novels. One of the important reasons is Conrad's unique writing style,which covers the reality with a veil,ending with a blurry picture. This kind of description makes a strong visual and sensory impact on the readers. Taking the novella Heart of Darkness as an example,this article analyzes the reality and illusion from two aspects,the complex narration and blurring scene,and explains the reasons and effects.
出处 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第2期104-107,共4页 Journal of Qiqihar University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
关键词 约瑟夫·康拉德 《黑暗的心》 真实 虚幻 模糊 Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness reality illusion blur
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  • 2[9][10][11][11][15]Robert Kimbrough ed., The Nigger of the "Narcissus" : An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Reviews and Criticism ( New York: W. W. Nortons & Company, 1979 ), p.149,p. 153, p. 153, pp. 152 - 153, p. 156, p. 160, pp. 158 -159, p. 167.
  • 3"Preface", in Robert Kimbrough ed. , The Nigger of the "Narcissus " : An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Reviews and Criticism ( New York: W. W. Nortons & Company, 1979), p.ix,p.ix.
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  • 5康拉德.《"水仙"号船上黑水手》的《序言》[M].,..
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  • 7"Chronology of Conrad' s Life", in J. H. Stape ed., The Cambridge Campanion to Joseph Conrad,上海外语教育出版社2000年版,xvi-xvii页.
  • 8Owen Knowles, "Conrad' s Life", in J. H. Stape ed., The Cambridge Campanion to Joseph Conrad,上海外语教育出版社2000年版,9-18,14页.
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